Do You Suffer From Incontinence?

There is a REAL Solution to Stress Urinary Incontinence

Join Thousands of Women Who Have Experienced Life-Changing Results!

Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress Urinary Incontinence is one of the most common variations of involuntary loss of bladder control. In Stress urinary incontinence (SUI), any type of physical activity or exertion can lead to urine leakage. This is due to the increased abdominal pressure that happens during activities such as jumping, coughing, sneezing or even laughing. The activity exerts additional pressure to your bladder intensifying the propensity for unexpected leakage. More than 80% of people afflicted with SUI are females. Although it is reported that more than 45% of women over the age of 40 suffer from SUI, we believe the real number is much higher.

Urge Incontinence

This type of incontinence is often associated with an overactive bladder. When you felt a strong urge to go the bathroom, even when you feel like your bladder wasn’t full yet, were incidences of urge incontinence. The symptoms include feeling an all-encompassing urgency to go to the bathroom immediately, and with unintended urination before you can reach the bathroom. While the loss of urine does not occur in more mild cases, the increased frequency of urination and the constant urgency association with this condition can still cause disruptions in both work and social lives.

There Are Non-Surgical Treatments That Cure Incontinence


(704) 842-9501

Are You Finally Ready to Treat Your Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Call or Contact us to Schedule Your Consultation

Don’t Delay Relief Another Day

Suffering From Incontinence?

You Are Not Alone

Million Women
Suffer From Incontinence
Never Seek Treatment
Success Rate

Do you wear

dark pants so your

leaks don’t show?

Do you wish 

you could cough, laugh or sneeze without peeing 

your pants?

Humiliated by

the thought of

wearing diapers?


At the age of 13, I became sick with an unknown illness that lasted for over 18 months. I had headaches, fever, body aches, swelling, fatigue and saw every specialist we could find…all to no avail. I’m sure my parents were puzzled when someone asked them if they’d tried taking me to a chiropractor! They were told that most people don’t realize that chiropractic helps the body to function more optimally and that pain relief (what most people seek chiropractic for) is just a side effect/benefit. Out of despair, and with nothing to lose, they took me to a chiropractor. He was honest and said, that he didn’t know if he could help, but after his assessment, he felt he could help my body work better. Basically, he said, ‘I’ll do all that I can, and we will see what his body can do from there’. To our astonishment….it worked! In fact, it likely saved my life as I was sent home from a large medical university in California to ‘die at home’ because they didn’t know how to help me. With a personal testimony like this, one can easily see why Dr. Rose is a chiropractor today and why he has such a passion to “give back” and help everyone that he can!


To accomplish his goal of giving back, he began his undergraduate training at the University of California at Santa Barbara. He received his bachelor’s degree in Business Economics with a Pre-Medical minor. From there, he went on to what is still to this day considered the top scholastic and technique based chiropractic college in the nation, Parker University in Dallas, Texas. Their four-year program resulted in a doctoral degree in Chiropractic Medicine and another bachelor’s degree in Anatomy and Physiology. Even more special, it resulted in him meeting his future wife, Dr. Deanna Rose. He is nationally board certified as a chiropractic physician and licensed to practice. He has also many postdoctoral hours studying neurology, pain management, nutrition, and prenatal care. After graduating and getting married in 1996, Drs. Rose picked Concord, North Carolina to settle and start a practice and a family.

Carolina TotalCare Cares

“Because I have sat many a time on the patient’s side of the desk, we set out to create a practice that caters entirely to the patient…as it should be! I understand how important it is to be listened to, to be treated with respect, and most importantly, to have a doctor find out what is wrong and initiate a game plan to fix it. Therefore, we combine all the best treatment options available and we explain all treatment options available to our patients. Then, we try to answer all their questions and let them decide how they want to approach their health from the treatment suggestions we have given them.”

On a personal note…

A healthy lifestyle is paramount to Dr. Rose and his family. “I absolutely practice what I preach by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting routine chiropractic care and massage therapy. We do the same for our 3 boys.” His youngest brother is also a chiropractor and his middle brother is an orthopedic spine specialist residing in Texas. In his spare time, he enjoys all things outdoors, especially coaching his sons’ little league baseball teams. Their boys’ swim meets, soccer games, and numerous musical and arts-based performances keep Dr. Rose quite busy. He and his wife have been members at First Assembly Church of Concord for over 15 years. “Well, enough about me; as I hope you have noticed by now, we are here to be about you. How can we help you to get better or to achieve your health goals?” Give our Concord chiropractic office a call or email us so that we can help you take the best steps forward towards better health!